How Should the Dispenser Be Cleaned?
The water dispensers, which are the favorites of the offices, have gradually started to be among the indispensables of the homes with their practical use. You know, young couples, who are almost furnishing their new house, start their white goods shopping from the water dispenser. Okay, I may have exaggerated a bit, but due to the increase in demand, manufacturers are conducting R & D studies for household type dispensers. Practical, nice, but how are these devices cleaned?
Whether it is home use or office use, it is of great importance to clean water dispensers regularly. Otherwise, water dispensers, which are frequented by harmful microbes and bacteria, can invite many diseases. For this reason, water dispensers used at home should be cleaned at least once every 3 months, while those used in offices should be cleaned at least once every 2 months.
The water dispensers, which are the favorites of the offices, have gradually started to be among the indispensables of the homes with their practical use. You know, young couples, who are almost furnishing their new house, start their white goods shopping from the water dispenser. Okay, I may have exaggerated a bit, but due to the increase in demand, manufacturers are conducting R & D studies for household type dispensers. Practical, nice, but how are these devices cleaned?
Whether it is home use or office use, it is of great importance to clean water dispensers regularly. Otherwise, water dispensers, which are frequented by harmful microbes and bacteria, can invite many diseases. For this reason, water dispensers used at home should be cleaned at least once every 3 months, while those used in offices should be cleaned at least once every 2 months.
Professional service can be obtained for cleaning the dispenser, as well as cleaning your dispenser with chemicals produced for this purpose. But in both methods, you must make sure that the rinsing process is done very well, otherwise, you may be exposed to chemicals while saying that you will get rid of germs.
For those who say that there is no other method other than these, I recommend Derya Baykal style cleaning, which they will do by making use of the materials at home. If you have some vinegar and lemon, I’ll start to tell you right away.
Vinegar is a very good disinfectant because it is an aqueous solution containing natural acetic acid. Lemon is about 5% acid. The pH value is between 2 and 3. In other words, your disinfectant is ready with one lemon that we will add to one liter of apple or grape vinegar. Let’s come to the process to be done;
First, let’s fill the empty carboy up to one third with clean water and add our mixture into it.
Since old water will remain in the dispenser, let’s open both taps and drain plugs.
When we are sure that the dispenser is drained, let’s place the carboy with vinegar water into the slot of the dispenser.
Let’s wait until the water dispenser absorbs the water from the carboy, plug it in, turn on the hot and cold water buttons and let it run for at least 3 hours. During this time, let’s empty two glasses of water from the hot and cold taps every hour and turn off the electricity.
Let’s open all the taps and the drain plug again and empty the inside of the dispenser.
Let’s fill our carboy halfway and do the operations in the above items 2 more times.
The interior cleaning of our dispenser is complete. Have you wiped the taps and outer surface with vinegar water and a sponge? Your dispenser is ready for use. How is it not so easy?
Now you can use the water in the dispenser with peace of mind.